
For aesthetic reasons, items in the list sometimes span one, one and half, or two columns, depending on which row they’re in. The sizes are set in the style sheet (using nth-child selectors).

<ul class="articles">
    <a href="…">
      <img src="…" alt="" />
      <h3>The two brands that did something good with their Super Bowl ads</h3>
      <p>Here's GOODcorps' round-up of Super Bowl 50 ads that focused on a cause, and a few tips on what to learn form the two companies that did it best.</p>

Add a class name of hidden-on-small-screens to an item, to hide it on small viewports. This is used to shorten the list in cases where important content appears after the list of articles (for example, on the home page).

<ul class="articles">
  <li class="hidden-on-small-screens">
    <a href="…">
      <img src="…" alt="" />
      <h3>The two brands that did something good with their Super Bowl ads</h3>
      <p>Here's GOODcorps' round-up of Super Bowl 50 ads that focused on a cause, and a few tips on what to learn form the two companies that did it best.</p>

Three articles

If there are only three articles in the list, they’ll all be the same size.

<ul class="articles">

Text only articles

If the articles don’t have images, add a class name of “text-only” to the list container to make them all the same size.

<ul class="articles text-only">

Related Articles

<aside class="related">

  <ul class="articles">
      <a href="">
          <img src="…" width="500" alt="" />
          DICK’s Sports Matter
      <a href="">
          <img src="…" width="500" alt="" />
